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IT Kills people.....

To be a part of Indian IT Industry, Good or Bad I don't know... In fact I am no body to comment on this... But I am sure about one thing.. IT Industry is actually killing people... Killing? yes! It is killing the personal life and way of thinking.. I remember when I was a child... I was smarter and intelligent... Education ruined me.. very badly.

If you belong to the IT Industry... whenever you have time think about your past.. How intelligent you were before and after being in IT... and tell me the difference. Once upon a time I was intelligent ! Ha Ha !! Now I am professional :-) Its true ! Don't be surprised... This Industry makes people realize that your future will be good... But it destroys the present...

But No Options available... I have to be in this industry for sure................ Oh God!! Give me energy to survive...

-Dev K Jha


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